Wednesday, April 16, 2008

#3 Treatment UPDATE

I am happy to report that treatment #3 went very well. Nausea was kept to a minimum however a little more than the last 2, even though the chemo dosage has been upped I was worried, rest was kept to a minimum too lol(Unable to sleep I have drank enough Chamomile Tea to put the whole Dallas Cowboys to sleep lol it is one of the side effects), terrible heart burn today too, and just real tired after not going to sleep til' 3:45 a.m.! Hope it is not another restless - sleepless night! So, anyway I just wanted to blog to say that I believe that all of you intervened on my behalf with your positive thoughts, prayers, and amazing support! Thank you & I love you all!


1 comment:

Emily said...

That's great news!! Hopefully all of the other treatments go as smoothly. I love you!